Macbeth: King James I’s Obsession with Witchcraft in Early Modern Scotland and the North Berwick Witch Trials

Ever read Macbeth and wonder, "Why witches?" Well, if you were trying to earn favor with your new Scottish King who was OBSESSED with witchcraft, maybe you'd write some witches into your very Scottish play. 

In this episode, we explore the concept of witchcraft in Early Modern Scotland, King James I's obsession with the topic, and the North Berwick Witch Trials to discover the cultural context that surrounded the creation of Shakespeare's Weird Sisters. 


Shakespeare Anyone? is created, written, produced, and hosted by Korey Leigh Smith and Elyse Sharp.

Our theme music is "Neverending Minute" by Sounds Like Sander.

Works Referenced:

Normand, Lawrence, and Gareth Roberts, editors. Witchcraft in Early Modern Scotland: James VI's Demonology and the North Berwick Witches. 1st ed., Liverpool University Press, 2000. JSTOR, Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.

Tyson, Donald, and James Carmichael. The Demonology of King James I. Edited by Tom Bilstad, 5th ed., Llewellyn, 2019. 

Wright, James. “Ritual Protection Marks and Witchcraft at Knole, Kent.” Mondays at One Archaeology Series. 19 Oct. 2015, Gresham College, Accessed 5 Nov. 2020, from


Macbeth: King James I's Demonology, a Summary (Oof!)


Macbeth: Stuff to Chew On